Vacant Property Security Services

If you own or manage a vacant property, you know how challenging it can be to keep it secure and well-maintained. Vacant properties are attractive targets for criminals and troublemakers, who can cause serious damage and liability issues. You also need to comply with insurance and health and safety regulations, which may require regular inspections and reports.

At  Kings Guarding Solutions we offer a range of vacant property security services to help you protect your assets and avoid costly repairs and legal claims. We have the experience and expertise to provide effective and affordable solutions for any type of vacant property, from residential to commercial to industrial.

Our vacant property security services include:

  • Mobile patrols and key holding: Our SIA-licensed officers will conduct regular patrols and inspections of your vacant property to ensure they remain safe, secure and insurance-compliant. They will also respond to any alarms or incidents and provide access to authorised visitors.
  • Vacant property alarms and CCTV surveillance: We can install and monitor wireless alarm systems and CCTV cameras that are specially designed for vacant properties. These devices will deter intruders and alert our Technology Monitoring Centre to any suspicious activity.
  • Void property inspection and reporting: We will check your vacant property for any signs of damage, deterioration, vandalism, fly-tipping, squatting, arson or burglary. We will also assess the risk of fire, water leaks, gas leaks or electrical faults. We will provide you with detailed reports and photographs of the property condition and recommend any necessary actions.
  • Property boarding and guard services: We can secure your vacant property by boarding up windows and doors, installing locks and barriers, and removing any graffiti or rubbish. We can also provide dedicated security guards on site at all times, if required.

By choosing our vacant property security services, you will benefit from:

  • Peace of mind and reduced risk of theft, vandalism and trespassing
  • Compliance with insurance and health and safety regulations
  • Preservation of the property value and attractiveness
  • Flexible and cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs

To find out more about our vacant property security services, or to request a free quote, please contact us today. We will be happy to discuss your security requirements and provide the best solution for you.