Our People

Our people are our greatest strength.  At Kings Guarding Solutions we recruit the very best people to deliver our customers a first class experience and believe that a diverse team creates a much more innovative approach.

It is only with the determination and dedication of our colleagues that we can serve our clients and contribute to the broader community.

Our goals are to maximise individual potential, increase commercial effectiveness, reinforce our culture, expand our colleagues’ professional opportunities, and help them contribute positively to their greater communities.

Current Vacancies

If you’re in pursuit of your next career advancement and searching for an opportunity that presents professional growth, recognition and achievement, then considering a career with Kings Guarding Solutions might be the right path for you!

Employee Testimonials

Kings Guarding Solutions colleagues have an important part to play in driving our company forward. Hear from some of the key members of the team.

Our Training Competencies

At Kings Guarding Solutions, we believe that it is important to invest in the development of our employees, providing them with first-class training, on the job experience and opportunities to progress.